Peter Fürst et Liuba Kirova
Marcel Moore et Claude Cahun
Lee Miller et Man Ray
Niki de Saint Phalle et Jean Tinguely
Jackson Pollock et Lee Krasner
The Island
Cindy Sherman
Meret Oppenheim
Georgia O'Keeffe
Louise Bourgeois
Marina Abramovic
Yayoi Kusama
Wangechi Mutu
Pipilotti Rist
Shirin Neshat
Camille Claudel
Frida Kahlo
    “Biennale de Visarte Jura 2020” , Courfaivre, Switzerland  Covid, world crisis without precedent, force us to questioning yourself about our existence. As George Floyd, the Earth is also telling us : "I can't breath". We arrived at the limits of
The Salt of Palermo
"Victor", Eclats de Voix, 2015
"Camille", Eclats de Voix, 2015
"Lucas", Eclats de Voix, 2015
"Ines", Eclats de Voix 2015
"Gautier", Eclats de Voix, 2015
"Louis", Eclats de Voix, 2015
"Camille", Eclats de Voix, 2015
"Carlyn", Eclats de Voix, 2015
"Sara", Eclats de Voix, 2015
untitled 20, 2013
untitled 21, 2014
untitled 23, 2014
untitled 24, 2014
untitled 25, 2014
untitled 26, 2013
untitled 27, 2014
untitled 28, 2014
untitled 29, 2014
untitled 30, 2014
untitled 31, 2014
untitled 32, 2014
untitled 36, 2014
untitled 39, 2014
Untitled 40, 2014
untitled 41, 2014
untitled 38, 2014
untitled 42, 2014
untitled 43, 2014
untitled 47, 2014
Untitled 48, 2014
untitled 49, 2014
untitled 50, 2014
untitled 1, 2013
untitled 2, 2013
untitled 3, 2013
untitled 4, 2013
untitled 7, 2013
untitled 15, 2013
untitled 8, 2013
Untitled 9, 2013
untitled 10, 2013
untitled 11, 2013
untitled 12, 2013
untitled 13, 2013
untitled 5, 2013
untitled 6, 2013
Little Red Riding Hood in Mont Gunnbjørn, 2008
Little Red Riding Hood in Engelberg, 2008
Little Red Riding Hood in Timbuktu, 2008
Philosophical Banquet 2
Philosophical banquet 1
Alter Ego
Tender is the Night
Les Valseuses
The age of Dereason, 2008
Rita's pain, 2003
La Princesse de Clève, 2003
Andromaque, 2003
Monica, 2003
Sissi, 2003
Bloody Sunday
Runner in Central Park 1, 2005
Helmut, 2003
Runner in Central Park 3, 2005
Sailor Minimoon, 2003
Runner in Central Park 2, 2005
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